why and how? because there’s always a story…

[…] here at the start, it seems appropriate to offer some context around why this website and project came to be.  Consider this a somewhat condensed chronicle of the past three years, the focus of which is why this website exists and how it came to be.  With that said, the timeline goes as follows… [This page is intended to serve as an archive for The Invisible City Project website. While this information is not up to date, it is my hope that its contents continue to provide a point of entry.] AUGUST 2010 On August 25, 2010, Charter Oak Cultural Center called a meeting to… read more

home: a place between

Tourists seek out new places.  In a new setting they are forced to see and think without the support of a whole world of known sights, sounds and smells—largely unacknowledged—that give weight to being …” ~Ti Fu Tuan, Space and Place During the summers of 2007 and 2008, I spent a total of 3 months on the island of Santiago in the Republic of Cape Verde, an archipelago 350 miles off the west coast of Africa.  I was there initially to collaborate with a team of teaching artists from both the United States and Cape Verde, and charged with the… read more

place is personal

The Invisible City Project Curatorial Statement Deborah Goffe, Curator I. Point of Reference All that confidence in continuous traditions and innocent encounters with pristine cultures has been shattered in our post-colonial epoch.  Borders bleed, as much as they contain.  Instead of dividing lines to be patrolled or transgressed, boundaries are now understood as crisscrossing sites inside the post-modern subject.  Difference is resituated within, instead of beyond, the self.  Inside and outside distinctions, like genres, blur and wobble (Conquergood 184). “ If place is home, and home is where the body is, then can we conclude that place is located or… read more