Reflecting on Homecoming

Birthdays are a good time for looking back and looking ahead. This is especially true for me today as I’ve navigated a rapid unfolding of new and remembered milestones over the last few months. I have wanted to share these moments more publicly and immediately, but it has felt necessary to prioritize deep processing without the pressure to articulate it externally right away. However, as I celebrate my birthday today—big ups to Aquarians everywhere—I feel called to mark this moment with you. In the transition to 2022, I have been thinking a lot about the impact of homecoming on my life and career thus far. As I write this, I am feeling nostalgic… read more

Aren’t we all made for dance?

I’ve been more than a little overwhelmed lately, and I don’t think I’m alone. There are so many challenging/good/terrific things converging all at once, not to mention the abundance of art in the Greater Hartford area this fall.  So I’m trying to keep up.  In the midst of it all, however, I’ve had a couple of experiences that have reminded me just how powerful this dance thing can be.  In addition to teaching the amazing students who have been entrusted to my care this semester, and the performances I’ve bee involved with lately, I have also been invited to share dance with non-dancers on two occasions in the last three weeks.  Perhaps… read more